Patriotic couple Jenny and Anthony Wonnacott started their Coronation celebrations early with a cream tea laid on by a charity cafe.

The Rest-A-While cafe in Tavistock's Pannier Market is run by the Tavistock Area Support Services (TASS) which offers anyone of any age a place to meet, chat, rest and even eat their own food bought elsewhere.

Jenny, 76, an ex-shop assistant with Tozers (a former household retailer) said: 'We both like the Royal Family and thought we'd start early with the cream tea which TASS provided and its really cheap and nice. We come here to meet people and get out of the house. It's lovely here.

'We'll not be watching the Coronation on telly though, because we can't get connection through an aerial as there's a big block of flats in the way. So, we'll be coming down to Bedford Square in town to see all the celebrations with everyone else.'