A WIDE range of advice, information, learning opportunities, sustainable living and ways of looking after your outer and inner health was being offered all under one roof in Tavistock. The wellbeing fair, organised by West Devon Community and Voluntary Services last Friday (October 6) attracted people popping into Butchers’ Hall for free information and further sources of help as well as being serenaded by a community choir.
The event was set up by the network of statutory and voluntary agencies and organisations called Tavistock Health and Wellbeing Alliance. PCSO Rob Walsh, a Tavistock community police officer, said: “We’ve had some positive feedback from people coming in and the hot topics were how to deal with online and phone scams and therefore, how to be more secure online. The trouble is that the scams are becoming more sophisticated and clever. Someone even asked us how to deal with dating scams. It’s very valuable for us to come to the fair and be highly visible and accessible to hear of people’s concerns.” Volunteer Gemma Loving asked visitors’ views on what aspects of Tavistock’s heritage architecture they would like to see reflected in any new estates and other public space development for the evolving Tavistock Neighbourhood Plan. She said: “We’re getting a feel for what people value in the built landscape of Tavistock and what is its essential characteristics, such as certain architectural aspects. We also want to know how residents see themselves using active travel, walking and cycling, in new developments. And how they would like sustainable heating fitting into the town, for example shared neighbourhood energy hubs.”
Steve Dowden was representing Tavistock Men in Sheds group, which helps reduce isolation among retired men by offering them a chance to sociualise and make use of their skills or learn new skills to make items. The former engineer said: “Instead of sitting at home vegetating after retiring, we offer men a place to chat and reengage in society and learn new skills or use their skill to make things like planters and bird boxes and to feel more useful again.”