RESIDENTS in Tavistock are being invited to give their views on another application for planning permission for a further 250 houses off Plymouth Road.

Tilia Homes Western have put in an application, 1203/24/OPA, at grid reference SZ 482 727, to build 250 homes on a site beside that where another developer, Baker Estates have started work on 44 homes.

The 10.7 hectare parcel of land is currently open fields used for grazing horses and sheep.

It will definitely be used for housing and other development as this has been set down in the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan, the blueprint for development for the area up to 2034.

However, planning permission is still needed for any specific development from West Devon Borough Council.

Tilia Homes Western is applying for full planning permission for 124 houses consisting of 20 two bedroom houses, 78 three bedroom houses, 11 four bedroom houses plus two apartment blocks with a proposed mix of 7 one bedroom apartments and 8 two bedroom apartments.

The developer is also seeking outline planning permission (permission in principle) for a further 126 homes on the site, details yet to be decided.

Access would be onto Plymouth Road and the application would also include business units.

People have until June 13 to comment on the proposals via the WDBC website.

One resident, who lives alongside the site, has objected to the proposal as an overdevelopment of the site, saying that the ‘density of houses is excessive’.