TAVISTOCK Stroke Club is holding its Autumn Sale on Thursday, October 19 to raise awareness and funds for the club.

The sale takes place at TASS in Tavistock between 10am and 1pm.

On offer are yummy cakes and handmade knitted goods along with jewellery, jigsaws, books and plants.

There will also be a raffle and tea or coffee and biscuits for 20p.

All are welcome and anyone interested in joining the group should just come along. Meetings begin with tea, coffee, homemade cake and a general chat.

This is followed by various activities, including art and craft, exercise sessions, dancing (without leaving your chair), games and quizzes. There are also talks by visiting speakers and trips out during the year.

The group is run by a friendly team of volunteers who are always happy to help.

As the group is self-funded, a small charge is made at each meeting to cover costs. It may be possible to arrange transport for anyone who would like to attend within the Tavistock area.