Crucial safety work is beginning on an important river bank retaining wall in Tavistock.

The wall, alongside the River Tavy on Market Road, has been undermined by erosion and is a potential flood risk.

The work will mean some parking restrictions as the project begins on Monday (June 5), and ends on Saturday, September 30. The road will also be closed temporarily at the beginning and end of the project.

The town council has told local businesses ‘essential construction repairs’ will take place and Market Road will be closed to traffic for one week at the beginning of the work from Monday to allow for equipment to access the site. The road will be closed again for three days during the last week of the work. However, Market Road will be open as normal during the rest of the project.

To carry out the work, a cofferdam will be built which will need a crane to operate each day of the first week, from 8am to 4.30pm. The temporary dam is used to hold water and soil back from the wall while the repairs are carried in the river. Throughout the closure, pedestrian access will be maintained with temporary walkways.

Market Road river wall repair preps for dam
Market Road wall repairs preps begin ahead of next Monday's closure (Tindle)

The council’s workforce will be on site to help traders with any deliveries to businesses on Brook Street, Market Road and in the Pannier Market, but advance notice will be needed.  The council apologised to businesses for ‘any inconveniences, these essential safety works may cause.’ And promised liaison with residents and businesses.

Parking will be restricted during the project next to the river wall, from the Eastgate Cafe up to the Pannier Market vehicle entrance. A works compound was due to be set up this week to replace this parking.  Parking on the opposite side of the road, opposite the compound, will be re-allocated for construction vehicles and combined with the temporary pedestrian walkway. The work will be carried out by AD Williams Building Contractors.