GARY Pearson has taken up the reins as chairman of Tavistock Round Table.

Gary, 44, is originally from Scunthorpe but moved to Tavistock seven years ago, and joined the Round Table Club to meet new people.

Tavistock Round Table has ten full time members, meets twice a month and supports local businesses and events in the area.

Gary said: 'We are always looking for new members who would like to give their time to fundraising and social activities.

'As well as providing things like marquees at town events and Christmas trees for the local schools, we also meet once a month on a social basis, learning new skills such as gig rowing and archery.'

During his year as chairman, Gary wants to increase awareness and membership and anyone interested in going to a meeting as a guest should get in touch via the website">

Gary added: 'Round Table members will be manning the beer tent at the fun day being held on Tavistock Meadows on July 15 we would be happy to chat to anyone who wants to know more about us and what we do.'