Pictured here in the early morning sun is the old drovers’ way at Middlemoor up on Dartmoor above Tavistock, the sunlight picking out the knarls and shadows in the mossy bank.  

Walkers and mountain bikers from far afield use the stony track up onto to Plaster Down and beyond to Pew Tor above the village.

A thick wet carpet of autumnal leaves cover rocks and mud which creates a tricky route for cyclists and walkers alike.

However, it is a worthwhile climb and a popular route, as shown by the groundswell of feeling in the community against a recent attempt to move the gate at the lower entrance to the path in Middlemoor.People who used to live in the village joined residents and path users to sign a 400-signature petition against a landowner’s moving the gate, saying this would cause a bottleneck where agitated cattle could be trapped with walkers and cyclists, causing a possible danger. The protesters were also worried the relocation of the gate further up the path was a precursor to development nearby, paving the way to more traffic using the entrance. Fortunately,  the protest was listened to and the Dartmoor National Park Authority moved the gate back to the entrance. Villagers remain vigilant though as they fear the path remains vulnerable to development and the peaceful scene pictured might be lost forever.               Picture: Guy Boswell.