TAVISTOCK man Max Baxter has become the youngest chairman of Tavistock Round Table in the last 20 years.

Phil Timings handed over the chairman mantle to Max at this year’s annual meeting.

Max, 29, said: ‘When I first joined Round Table I was the youngest member, but over this last year Phil has brought a lot more youth into the group. I plan to continue this and spread the word to the local community.

‘To build on last year’s success we’re already looking forward to some great activities such as karting, football, golf and comedy shows. This year it’s all about having a laugh and getting even more members.’

Max added: ‘We had a superb Christmas party in December and that was very much the turning point — it was a great way to show how Round Table has changed and, although still respecting traditions, we’re a group of guys who like to have fun and raise money for local charities.’

Round Table Tavistock meets every fortnight for more information visit www.tavistock.roundtable.co.uk