A COUNTY-wide Messy Church meet up is being hosted by Tavistock Parish Church this weekend (May 18).

Devon Messy Church regional co-ordinator Michelle Farrelly will lead groups through a day dedicated to ‘all things messy’, reporting on news from the International Messy Church Conference, the latest research and helping with areas of challenge.

St Eustachius’ Messy Church, usually held on the first Wednesday of each month from 3.30pm to 5.30pm, has more than 60 families registered, with an average attendance of 50 people. The after-school get-togethers combine creative crafts, bible-themed activities, music and worship, rounding off with a shared hot meal.

Co-ordinator Sarah Pendle said: ‘There are Messy Churches all over the world, in all sorts of places, including prisons, and it is a hugely powerful way of spreading God’s message of love and peace.

‘Our own Messy Church has been going for just over three years and we hope this special day will help us move even further along our journey of faith and discipleship.

‘It is also a chance to celebrate and to say thank you to everyone who has made this important ministry happen here at St Eustachius’.

‘The conference runs from 10am to 3.30pm and is for everybody, so if you have helped with craft, worship, cooking, cleaning or given support through prayer or donations, or are just interested in finding out more about what goes on at Messy Church — apart from a lot of glue and glitter — please come along for the day or just a part of it. You’ll get a fabulous messy welcome!’