Over 200 RAFAir Cadets and staff from across the Plymouth and Cornwall Wing marched through the streets of Tavistock town centre on Sunday to mark the anniversary of the formation of the Air Training Corps in February 1941.

The parade was the largest by the Wing since the pandemic; cadets and staff marched from Bedford Car Park to West Street before attending a service at Saint Eustachius led by The Reverend Matthew Godfrey and assisted by the Wing’s Padre, Prebendary Brian Anderson and the Padre for Tavistock Squadron, The Reverend Rosie Illingworth in the presence of Tavistock Town Mayor Cllr Paul Ward, Mayor of West Devon Cllr Caroline Mott and Deputy Lieutenant of Devon, Rear Admiral Ric Cheadle CB and the Officer Commanding of Plymouth & Cornwall Wing, Wing Commander Francis Reis RAFAC.

Readings were made by Cadet Eden Bennet and the Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet, Cadet Flight Sergeant Benedict Bailey while prayers were led by Cadet Alice Matthews.

After the service the parade reformed in West Street and march to Bedford Square for a formal reception at the Town Hall.

Wing Commander Francis Reis said: ‘The Air Corps was formed on February 6 1941, so we mark the occasion on the nearest Sunday to the anniversary. For me, the man responsible for all these cadets, it’s such a proud moment to see them parade with the staff in public where they can all be seen.’