TAVISTOCK Sir Francis Drake Bowling Club overcame Co-Op Unity Park in the Plymouth and District Ladies League, by a score of 26-23.

J Brindley, P Sawyer & P Anstead won 19-11 and M Allen, S Jenkin & S Macintosh won 17-12.

They weren’t quite as successful in a second outing, losing to Plympton Wrens 46-26.

In the P&D Men’s Triples, it was a very tight game with Plymstock, Tavi edging the victory 50-47.

P Chaney, G Carter and J Carr won 21-10; M Robertson, R Willis and T Smith drew 15-15; J Sawyer, A Puddicombe and M Clark lost 14-22.

Tavistock B also lost to Plympton 60-40, the rink scores being 21-8, 19-14 and 20-18 all in favour of the victors.

There were two wins for the club elsewhere though, one in a mixed friendly against Paignton, 77-51, and the other coming in the P&D Evening League over Tamar Gold, 44-31.