WOULD the borough councillors who wrote last week (Letters, June 22) care to explain why the inhabitants of similar towns to Tavistock and Okehampton, in Shropshire and Herefordshire (such as Ludlow, Leominster and Ross-on-Wye) also rural areas with low density populations, have to pay the extortionate charge of 60p for two hours? parking, while the fortunate inhabitants of West Devon only have to pay the miniscule sum of 90p for a single hour?s parking? Perhaps they would also like to explain why employees of local councils in those areas have to pay to park at their offices, when it is so difficult for employees of West Devon Borough Council to have to pay to park at their offices. Incidentally, staff of North Cornwall District Council ?who have to be in and out of the office as part of the work duties? are provided with passes to display in their cars when on official duty. Also, why are councillors so special that they require free parking? John Treays 8 Newtake Road Whitchurch UNDER the current taxation rules, free car parking is considered a perk and is thus taxable, however the letter last week does not address the central issue of the parking proposals within Tavistock by Devon County Council and West Devon Borough Council. On this subject I suggest that both councils go back to the drawing board and think again. The councillors quote a phrase in their letter ?the cost and benefits of car parking charges?. I think they should publish the accounts in full of all the money the borough receives from all the town car parks, and against this state all the total charges they make towards the administration and maintenance of those parks (this should include the car parking fines regime as well) and let the town residents decide. Since my letter was published (June 15) many residents and traders of Tavistock have spoken to me and stated quite simply that they do not wish to see the desecration of our town with the imposition of parking meters, thus they are totally against these proposals. They also expressed a view that the county and borough will not listen to their views and this will go ahead, despite everyone?s objections. As a result, I therefore suggest that this is put to the residents of the town in the form of a referendum, and the result of which should be adhered to by our elected representatives. Charles Douglas John Mathis Maudlins Park Tavistock SINCE I have lived in Tavistock there has been almost weekly debate about car parking and parking fees. I am starting to find it tedious so I should like to initiate some new discussion, just for light relief. The motion is: ?If you undertake to own a car you have to pay for the privilege. Firstly, you have to buy it, then tax it, insure it, maintain it, put fuel in it and save up for a new one whilst all the time losing a large proportion of the purchase price in depreciation. Car parking is a trivial cost compared to these.? I was complaining, mildly, about this endless car parking debate to a friend today and she pointed out that we should be grateful that we live in a part of the country where car parking fees seem to be the major issue. I am indeed grateful for this fact and to her for pointing it out to me! Annie Forster Tavistock
Why are West Devon?s parking charges so steep?
Wednesday 28th June 2006 10:00 pm
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