Residents of Horrabridge have descended upon Weir Park this afternoon to enjoy the annual village fete in glorious sunshine.

Villagers have enjoyed an extensive range of different attractions including a licensed bar run by the London Inn, a Horrabridge Cavaliers BBQ, tea, coffee and cake from the village youth club, an ice cream stall run by the Horrabridge Rangers Sports Association, splat the rat, face painting, a tin can game, tug of war, barrel racing, repair cafe games, a raffle and tombola.

The event was organised over the last four months as a collaboration between many groups in the village including the Horrabridge Rangers Sports Association, the youth club, the Love Your Neighbour church, the Horrabridge Cavaliers, St John's Church and the local Women's Institute.

Dawn Farrar, a Horrabridge parish councillor who helped to organise the event, said: "I'm sure we'll have a turnout of about 2,000 people throughout the day. About 95% of the village will turn out for this, especially with the weather — they're the ones who truly make this event.

"Everyone involved in the organisation has donated and self-funded to make it happen. Any money then raised goes straight back into the community and to the charities here today.

"Our next big village event will be in June next year on the anniversary of D-Day as we have a big ex-forces community and current forces community here. We're getting ideas and plans on paper for now but we're aiming higher and want to make the event much bigger."