A TRICYCLE which takes older people and those with mobility needs on open-air rides has many more miles to go after a funding boost.

The trickshaw is a familiar sight in West Devon, taking people with dementia on stimulating rides. The charity, Cycling Without Age - West Devon and East Cornwall, has received £1,000 from Devon County Council.

The charity is run by volunteers taking people on comfortable, fun and free rides in towns and the countryside.

Lynn Roddy, a charity trustee and local founder, said: ‘This is a wonderful donation for a much appreciated service that gives a new aspect to people’s lives.

‘Older people with physical and emotional well-being benefits simply by going on a ride in the outdoors. They make a social connection with others and often enjoy remembering an area where they have lived.’

Debo Sellis, county councillor, said: ‘This is such a deserving cause and gets people out and about in an accessible way where they chat and perhaps visit places where they lived and helps bring back memories.’

Heather Rayne, of Tavistock Memory Cafe, said: ‘The trishaws are a way of getting out of people’s homes and stimulating their memories and giving them a wind-in-their hair experience. We see people full of laughter and chat.’