A bridge over the River Tavy, which provides a vital link for residents in the Bere peninsula has been damaged again.

The crucial road link was hit yesterday by a vehicle, badly damaging one of the parapets.

The bridge was closed at the end of February after bad damage by traffic hitting the sides of the curving narrow structure twice. The latest incident has not closed the bridge.

The was reopened at the beginning of March after more than three weeks’ closure, causing frustration to residents who had to make long diversions to and from Tavistock and Plymouth. Families who take their children to Buckland Monachorum School were particularly badly hit.

Resident Chris Smart said: “It has only been 48 days since works to rebuild part of Denham Bridge were completed and the same spot has been struck again, causing major damage. The community of the Bere Peninsula are in utter disbelief, especially as the likelihood of further closure of this vital route looms over us. The local authority must surely now act with urgency to implement long-term and effective preventative measures”.

The highways authority put out an appeal for help in tracing the two drivers who damaged the bridge in February within days of each other and just drove off without reporting the incidents. Devon County Council highways team then worked round the clock to repair and reopen the bridge.