COULD you provide a home for a Ukrainian family?

A refugee family are hoping to find a host in Tavistock to be nearer to a family member who is already moving to the town.

Mum, Nataliia along with her two sons, Nikita (16) and Anatolii (10) are looking to find a home in or near Tavistock to be close to Nataliia’s oldest 18-year-old son who is relocating to Tavistock after finding a host thanks to a small charity.

UK-based charity, Refugees at Home who are assisting with the relocation, are appealing to the people of Tavistock to see if local residents can take in the other three family members who are originally from Pyriatyn, Ukraine.

Sara Nathan, Co-founder and Trustee at Refugees at Home said that this would be the first family the charity have hosted in Tavistock.

Sara said: ‘We haven’t placed anyone from Ukraine in Tavistock before.

‘Normally we don’t place people in small towns because it can be difficult for the refugees.

‘But in Tavistock there is a lot of provision for them such as language learning and socialising which is fantastic and helps Ukrainians to settle, and there is already a pretty established Ukrainian community.

‘We have managed to find a host for the 18-year-old boy but his mum wants to be near him.’

The refugee family also have friends in Cornwall which they could be near to if they found a suitable home.

The family would require two rooms and Sara explained that the family would normally stay for six months but for a lot of people it can be longer.

Sara, who has hosted 39 guests in her own home from a range of countries, pressed that it is an incredibly rewarding experience.

‘It’s an invigorating thing to do and it’s quite varied and flexible’, she said.

‘You’re sharing what you have with people who are fleeing war and persecution.

‘People make new friendships, discover new things such as new food and hosting brings you in touch with a new community as you meet other hosts.

‘It also creates a sense of community which is important in a fractured world.’

Anyone can host a family following a successful home visit by someone who has safeguarding knowledge.

The refugee charity can keep in touch with the host and family throughout the placement if they so wish to provide support if needed.

If you feel you would be able to host Nataliia and her sons or would like more information, email:[email protected] or visit the Refugees at Home Facebook Page.