A POLITICAL speed dating event is planned for the autumn term at Tavistock College.

Political speed dating is an event which sees a host of councillors from parish, town, borough and county level answer quick fire questions put to them by students in seven minute slots before a whistle blows and they move on to the next table.

County Councillor for Tavistock and Gulworthy Debo Sellis is an ardent supporter of this event, viewing it as a fast-paced and exciting way for young people to engage with their councillors and have their voices heard. She has worked with teacher Helen Harris to organise the event in the past as part of the college’s work on democracy, which it credits as a core value. It further serves as an opportunity for students to learn more about the workings of local government and quiz councillors on a wide range of local and community issues.

Debo said: ‘This has been such a success in the past so I’m delighted to be doing it again. I feel very strongly as county councillor that we should share with youngsters what we are doing; they shouldn’t ever feel disenfranchised. The cross party element is testament to the event’s success - we don’t wish to indoctrinate them and they are encouraged to form their own opinions. I’ve always said, there could be a future politician in the room right now.’

The last political speed dating event took place at the college in 2019, having previously run for nine consecutive years and is now planned to return for the first time post-pandemic. Councillors having previously participated have stated that they have found the sessions useful in giving them a chance to hear the views of young people. Debo said: ‘I need at least ten councillors to participate who can give a broad view if this is going to happen again. Watch this space!’