PUPILS at a Tavistock school learned about history close to home when former pupil Iris Webb toured their classrooms and answered their questions.

Iris Webb, of Tavistock, turned 100 last year and returned to St Rumon’s Primary School in the town where she was a headgirl to relive her happy memories as a pupil.

She was shown round the old building by pupils of the school council and welcomed into several on-going classes who broke off learning to talk to her.

Iris sat on a tiny children’s chair and was asked by the children about life at school — about uniforms by Nola, if there was electricity by William, and the names of different year groups by Archie. Amelia asked about class numbers.

Iris said: ‘It’s a bigger school now and they’ve got a large new extension where the play area was. But the old building is still very similar. In the later years, the boys and girls were separated for morning assembly and lessons. The headteacher was a good pianist and played the grand piano in the same hall as now for assembly. My favourite teacher was Miss Davey, so much so, that I visited her in hospital when she was ill and took her a Thermos flask of tea because she hated hospital tea. I was very happy here. I hope you are all happy here.’

Teacher Heidi Dewolf thanked Iris: ‘It’s been lovely having you to look round what was your school and for you to see all the changes. The children have also enjoyed hosting you and were really interested. They got a lot out of sitting down and thinking about questions to ask ‘

The visit was organised by Simon Thompson of TASS Life Story project which collects the stories of residents for a history record: ‘The children who showed Iris round were brilliant. So, a big thank you to the school.’ Tavistock Museum has a display on Dolvin Road Bedford Cottages. Anyone with a story to tell can contact: [email protected]