DAMNING parking usage figures of a Callington car park, highlight the potential impact the introduction of new parking charges has had on people using the New Road South car park, with usage being down by as much as 64%.

Concerns were raised by councillors and the community following the introduction of the charges back in May this year. There were fears the charges could have a detrimental affect on local businesses and people visiting the town, which has seen a few shops close in recent months.

At last week’s council meeting, Councillor Andrew Long reported the figures which he had pushed for. Figures reported at the meeting were as follows:

June 2022- 8,289

June 2023- 3,923

July 2022- 8,606

July 2023- 3,894

August 2022- 8,733

August 2023- 3,815

September 2022- 6,766

September 2023- 4,099

Finally, the figures and the highest reduction in car park users was in October with usage at 9,161 users compared with 3,274 in 2023, a 64.25% decrease.

Cllr Long said: “As you can see, the impact of these charges has been devastating on our town, both in car park usage and the knock on effect on businesses in the town.

“ I am currently pursuing the issue of the original deal with Co-op to cover the first hour, which was due to be carried on by the new incumbent of the New Road supermarket. I hope to have more information next month. I have also been contacted by a business owner with a proposal that could lead to funding from local businesses.”