DEDICATED residents braved the heavy rain on Bank Holiday Monday to help the community as part of the King’s Coronation event — the ‘Big Help Out’.

Despite the dreadful weather, a strong team of Tidy Tavi volunteers turned out to take part in a special litter-picking session in Tavistock, while a large team of volunteers armed with gardening tools and in wellies helped tidy up their pond in Peter Tavy.

Steve Hipsey, Tidy Tavi organiser, said the poor weather gave them time to recruit new helpers: ‘The normal monthly Tidy Tavi expedition was postponed from the previous Saturday and the venue moved to Bedford Square for the occasion.

‘After a rather miserable attempt to erect a gazebo in the pouring rain, the team took shelter in Court Gate at Bedford Square, which was used as an HQ for the rest of the morning.

‘Devoted volunteers braved the rain and organisers felt a bit like cave dwellers, venturing out occasionally to speak to pedestrians hurrying by under umbrellas. Nevertheless, a good number of new recruits were made, including several families with young children.

‘Several visitors to the ‘cave’ enjoyed a topical game which involved picking up as many milk bottle tops as possible using a litter picker in a set time.’

He added: ‘We’d like to thank all in what was a surprisingly successful venture. A good haul of rather wet rubbish was collected, including from earlier Coronation events.’ Tidy Tavi gatherings meet outside Meadowlands Leisure Centre at 10am on the first Saturday of every month. Meanwhile, in Peter Tavy two parish councillors, Jim Jefferies and Edward Dodd, rebuilt the Coombe Pond wall before a workforce of villagers armed with gardening tools, cleared the empty pond of rubbish, before it is refilled with water this month. Read more Coronation coverage on pages 1, 3, 7, 11 and 18-24.