Tavistock Lions are looking forward to the town’s annual Carnival Week from Friday, July 14 to Friday, July 21.

A full week of events finishes with the Carnival Parade on the ‘Let’s Get Animated’ theme. Entry into Sunday’s procession is open to individuals, schools, sports clubs, other community groups and businesses.

Organiser Richard Jones said: “We always see some excellent entries and the judges will be choosing the winners in various categories. However, we have seen a significant drop in donations from those watching the procession.”

He said most people do not have loose change as digital money takes over, so QR codes to collecting buckets. However, bucket collections have halved in ten years, but running costs have risen.

Therefore, the Lions are appealing for sponsorship for the live music and seeking equipment storage of about 400sqft.

Live music is essential for the procession and the City of Plymouth Pipe Band is attending with Hatherleigh Silver Band. Samba and steel bands have also been available previously, but have become more expensive and the Lions are therefore seeking sponsors for some of other bands.

Tavistock Stannary Brass Band will be supporting the Fun Day on Friday, July 14, and playing in the Guildhall Car Park on Friday, July 21.

Richard said: “With more new homes and young families coming into Tavistock, the carnival should be one of those traditions that everyone will want to see continue for many years to come.”

Anyone able to help is asked to email: [email protected]