The magic of the movies generated much creative energy as the theme for Bere Alston’s popular carnival last weekend.

On Saturday crowds followed and applauded as the procession of colourful and imaginative floats wound its way through the village accompanied by movie-themed music.

The event included walkers and floats with the best in show title awarded by Tavistock Lions to Bere Ferrers WI for its Calendar Girls’ float, while the Carnival Queen special award (chosen by Ruby and Carnival Princess Amber Perkin), went to Scoobydoo, staged by the Victoria Social Club.

One of the most engaging attractions were two miniature Shetland Ponies from Collytown Stud who went on a walk-about dressed as Wizard of Oz characters with owner Chamaine Blamey who found everyone wanted to meet and stroke her ponies.

Other highlights included Bere Alston Bowling Club wielding their swords as the fearsome Pirates of the Caribbean and Bere Alston in Bloom’s float decorated as the Secret Garden.

Pictures by Ann Parsons.

Tracey's Childminding were The Wizard of Oz
Tracey's Childminding were The Wizard of Oz (Ann Parsons)
Bere Alston WI were the Calendar Girls
Bere Ferrers WI were the Calendar Girls (Ann Parsons)
Tamar & Tavy Gig Club brought their boat along
Tamar & Tavy Gig Club brought their gig along (Ann Parsons)
Bere Alston Bowling Club were Pirates of the Caribbean
Bere Alston Bowling Club give a roar as Pirates of the Caribbean (Ann Parsons)
A group of friends as Peter Pan
A group of friends as Peter Pan (Ann Parsons)
Graeme Ugle, chair of Tavistock Lions, presents Best in Show to the Bere Alston WI's Calendar Girls float
Graeme Ugle, chair of Tavistock Lions, presents Best in Show to the Bere Ferrers WI's Calendar Girls float (Submitted)
Collytown Stud's ponies joined their owners to stage The Wizard of Oz
Collytown Stud's ponies joined their owners to stage The Wizard of Oz (Submitted)
Carnival Queen Ruby Perkin and Princess Amber Perkin with the Queen's Choice, Scoobydoo created by the Victoria Social Club
Carnival Queen Ruby Perkin and Princess Amber Perkin with the Queen's Choice, Scoobydoo created by the Victoria Social Club (Submitted)
Tractors were part of the Bere Alston Carnival fun
Tractors were part of the Bere Alston Carnival fun (Submitted)
Bere Alston in Bloom with The Secret Garden
Bere Alston in Bloom with The Secret Garden (Ann Parsons)
The Super Mario Bros were among the walking entries.
The Super Mario Bros were among the walking entries. (Ann Parsons)
The miniature Shetland pony from Collytown Stud meeting the residents from West View Care Home during the carnival
The miniature Shetland pony from Collytown Stud meeting the residents from West View Care Home during the carnival (Ann Parsons)