The recruitment of a wildlife officer for West Devon has been welcomed as a big step forward in protecting nature.

The job will be part of a Devon network, being created, who will ensure numerous community nature conservation projects are recognised and linked to resources to boost the impact on improving biodiversity and ecology in the wider sense.

The new role of wildlife warden coordinator for West Devon Borough Council is now open to job applicants who must be committed to increasing biodiversity and have the chance to ‘share their passion’ in supporting others to also protect nature across West Devon.

 The wildlife warden coordinator will support towns, parishes, community wildlife groups and individual volunteers across the borough in carrying out their own projects. A resource list will be compiled to support biodiversity projects in parishes, and training days organised with professionals..

West Devon Borough Cllr Ursula Mann is an advocate of nature conservation, including her work with bats. She said: “There are a lot of very people out there passionately working on projects to support nature, but it is uncoordinated and working in isolation. But it can’t be as effective as working together as nature and wildlife is wider large scale issue.”

The officer will work with Devon Wildlife Trust, Devon County Council and other groups. An important objective is to help West Devon meet its target of a ten per cent target of biodiversity gain in the habitat value of its green and wooded public spaces by 2025.