CALSTOCK’s legendary playboat is set to be rebuilt after a recent report revealed the structure is close to being condemned.

The playboat situated on the village green has been enjoyed by generations of children and is hopefully going to be rebuilt next year with the support of the community. 

The decision to rebuild the structure comes following a community consultation event held last month where residents were invited by parish councillor Phil Spurr to discuss whether the boat can be saved or whether people wanted to see a new play area. 

Things came to a head after a report by RoSPA (The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) concluded that the playboat is likely to fail a future inspection if immediate action is not taken to make it safer. 

It has now been decided to rebuild the existing structure as replacing the play area with another structure would be too costly.

Parish councillor Phil Spurr who has been fronting the project, confirmed the decision.

He said: “We have decided to rebuild the existing structure. The footings were too expensive to replace so in consultation with the parish workmen and after looking at alternatives, we’ve decided this.

“We listened to what people in the village have said and have decided to focus on viability rather than try to achieve something that wouldn’t be affordable.

“We’ve already started to do some minor repairs. We have taken out some of the rotten wood and replaced it.

“The immediate focus is to complete the minor repairs.”

Phil and his team of helpers including maintenance worker Pete Gadd and the original builder of the playboat, Steve Derbyshire, wish to complete the repairs by next spring so that the playboat is ready in time for the next RoSPA inspection.

Cllr Spurr added that he has asked for help from the village’s schoolchildren who have been sent a paint by numbers sketch of the playboat to give the team their suggestions for the new colour scheme.

It is hoped that the building of the new play structure will start next year and Cllr Spurr higlighted that he is already overwhelmed by the support received from the Calstock community.

“We’re pleased with the response, the community are coming forward.

“We’ve had various support from local groups such as The Bike Show and the Social Club, and are also looking at two sources of potential sponsorship for the timber.”

Adding that once the overall costings have been worked out, the councillor hopes to recruit local tradespeople to undertake the work on a voluntary basis alongside Pete and Steve.