Tavistock's Meadowlands Leisure Centre has announced its swimming pool will remain closed until early next week due to roof damage.

The pool has been closed since last weekend after reports of a failure of a panel seal on the domed glass.

Assessors have been at the site at the beginning of this week and the centre management are awaiting the outcome of the report on what repairs and costs are expected.

Managers have apologised to customers for the cancellation of public and booked swimming, but say safety of users is their top priority.

The centre had expected to re-open the pool late this week, but have had to disappoint hundreds of its members and people who have joined the public family fun sessions and the planned Swim School and aqua fit classes and other training sessions.

The centre's latest statement is as follows: 'Due to unforseen circumstances the swimming pool will remain closed until early next week, week commencing 16th January.

'A confirmed date on reopening will be announced in due course. 

'All swimming sessions will be cancelled at our earliest opportunity. 

'The centre has been advised to carry out further work to the issue that has arisen, this will take place early next week. 

'Although this is a longer closure than first expected, the safety of customers and staff is paramount. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. 

'The GYM and EXERCISE CLASSES (excluding Aquafit) will be on as normal. We endeavour to keep our customers informed as we make progress on reopening the swimming pool. If you have any queries regarding Swim School or Lane/Family Swims, please contact the centre directly on 01822 617774.'

The closure period is being used to undertake routine maintenance and cleaning.'