A CLUSTER of tiny angels surprised Tavistock people by appearing overnight in St Eustachius’ churchyard over Christmas. Enchanted passers-by and shoppers stopped to admire the knitted creations hanging in the branches of one of the trees and were greeted by a notice inviting them to take one home. 

The angels were hung in the tree as a so-called ‘knit bomb’ – a surprise art installation set up in the early hours by ardent knitters. As well as being a seasonal decoration, the flock of angels had a serious message – bringing peace and joy from the creators who meet at a knit’n chat group in the Queen’s Head pub. 

The group is run by town street pastor Jo Wright on Wednesdays from 10am-12 noon – anyone is welcome. She said: “Our group in the pub wanted to bring the town some joy at Christmas with so much gloom around. Angels were cosen to bring news of Christ’s birth.  We did it secretly, it’s a tradition with knitters to ‘knit bomb’ a location.  We set it up at night, so the town woke up to them and had the choice of taking them home – they all disappeared in three days!’