DANIEL Craig will be at Manaton on Friday November 23 at 7.30pm, when Villages in Action?s ?Get the Picture? comes to the Village Hall with the blockbuster, award winning, latest 007 film to hit the big screen, ?Casino Royale? (Cert 12). Daniel Craig is an actor who has seized his moment, made the character his own and wowed audiences around the world. Whatever you feel about the Bond films of the past, this one is different in so many ways. Most people have their favourite, be it Roger Moores?s suave tongue in cheek delivery or Sean Connery?s Scottish eyebrow-cocked take on the man. With Daniel Craig in the driving seat it will be quite a ride, the stories vibrate with action and tension and are a world away from the Devon countryside and the gentler pleasures of life. Get the Picture brings along a large screen, digital quality images, surround sound and a professional projectionist to run the film. The scene is set for a fun evening at Manaton with a cocktail bar and other refreshments. Tickets are priced at £4.50 Adult, £4 Concessions available from Janet 01647 221456 or Myriam 221365.
Prepare to be shaken, not stirred!
Thursday 15th November 2007 12:00 am
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