Devon & Cornwall Police is supporting National Stalking Awareness Week 2024 with a stalking awareness campaign on radio and online.

The campaign aims to raise awareness of the “F.O.U.R.” mnemonic that can be used to identify stalking. Stalking is a pattern of Fixated, Obsessed, Unwanted, and Repeated behaviour that can escalate, leaving victims feeling anxious or distressed, even though the actions may seem insignificant on their own.

The campaign also features a video filmed in the style of a trailer for a “romcom” that warns against normalising what at first appear to be insignificant acts. These seemingly small, harmless gestures in the video soon escalate to something more sinister.

Chief Inspector Dawn Perriam said: “We hope that our video, online and radio campaign will provide some recognisable examples of stalking behaviours so that you, or the family or friends of someone who has an abusive ex-partner, can recognise the signs at the earliest opportunity so that it can be reported to the police.

“Remember the F.O.U.R. mnemonic. If what you are experiencing or seeing happen to someone else fits this pattern, it’s stalking.”

Devon and Cornwall Police can investigate stalkers, implement Stalking Protection Orders, and provide support and protection to victims. Members of the public can report stalking even if they are not threatened with violence.

Learn more about stalking and harassment and how to report it to the police on their website.

You can also contact the National Stalking Helpline on 0808 802 0300 or the Paladin National Stalking Advocacy Service here.