THE 38th annual Lifton Cottage Garden Society and WI Village Show was held at the beginning of this month.

This year the show was held in a new venue, the Lifton Community Centre, which proved very successful, giving more room to display the exhibits.

Around 250 entries from 42 exhibitors were entered — a slight drop on the previous year, but this was more than made up by the 130 entries by the children, making a total of 380. This gave plenty of interest for the viewing public.

During the afternoon, a good crowd gathered to see the exhibits and to see the cups presented. Anthony Philips, the president, thanked Valerie Kneebone who was retiring after serving as show secretary for many years. She was presented with a plant and chocolates on behalf of the committee and was thanked for her work and commitment in helping to keep the show going.

Mr Philips then introduced Rosa Watkinson, a local author, who was presented with a buttonhole by Jessica and Katie Maynard. Rosa presented cups to the winners.

Cup winners: James Oke memorial cup, James Betteridge; Wyatt Hatch challenge cup, John Andrews; PW Hart memorial cup (vegetables), joint winners John Andrews and Colin Kneebone; C Parsons cup (fruit), Amanda Greenhalgh; Briginshaw open cup (flowers), Ken Jones; William Parnell memorial cup (flowers), Ken Jones; C Parsons loral art cup, joint winners Heather Horn and Elizabeth Brown; Jean Greenhalgh cup best exhibit in floral art, Gill Whitford; children’s cup (primary), Katie Maynard; Lifton WI cookery cup, Jo Maynard; Mr and Mrs Russell cup (handicraft), Suzy Weston; open cup for photography, Sandy Palmer; Lifton WI cup for most points in show, John Andrews; Sylvia Dennis memorial rose bowl for Lifton WI member with most points in show, Elizabeth Brown; William Kent challenge cup for best exhibit in children’s classes, Charlotte Uglow; John Mounce memorial rose bowl for Lifton WI member best exhibit in show, Heather Horn; Fred and Marion Parsons memorial rose bowl for best exhibit in cookery, Suzy Weston; CH Walters memorial cup for best exhibit in horticultural classes, John Andrews.