A PROPOSED extension to Callington’s health centre would include spaces for 40 more cars as well as further consultation rooms.
Tamar Valley Health says that the current building on Haye Road is not large enough for the number of patients it serves.
Advice is being sought from planning officers by agents MJMedical to iron out any problems before a full planning application is made.
The proposals include using part of an adjoining field to create a one-storey extension, although the idea of a two-storey extension is also being explored.
The new wing of the health centre would enable the creation of ten new consultation and treatment rooms, as well as extra clinical space, admin and meeting rooms, and a staff kitchen.
A new staff and patient overflow car park would be built, and the access off Haye Road into the current car park reconfigured, with a new access route (exit only) created onto Frogwell Road.In the meantime, while the longer term plans are developed, a separate planning application for the extension of the existing dispensary has been made.
More capacity in this regard is critically needed to serve the 11,000 patients registered at the practice, says Tamar Valley Health.
As part of the neighbourhood planning process, a vision for Callington and Kelly Bray parish was developed by the local council together with residents. The provision of new health and care facilities has always been part of these plans, which are currently before Cornwall Council for final consideration.