Tavistock Peace Action Group (TPAG) is holding a vigil every Friday between 4 and 5 p.m. in Bedford Square in the town and will continue until a permanent ceasefire happens in Gaza. One of the banners they are holding lists the first 1,000 names of all the known children under four killed by the state of Israel in Gaza. Some are also pictured on a banner.

Kevin Eady, of TPAG, said: “There are many more unknown such children and will be many more, unless Israel ceases its merciless attacks. “Our reception from the general public in Tavistock has been positive, with many indicating their support by honking their car horns. We call on our Government to stop selling arms to Israel.”

The group has been staging the protest on and off since last year after Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, sparking Israel’s invasion of Gaza.