CALLINGTON'S town crier has made a request to the town council to consider keeping him in the position for the long term.

Town crier Tony Stentiford took over the role of town crier last year, following the death of former crier Dennis Cook, but before he was appointed to the role, the town council decided to create the option to vote in a new town crier every year when the new portreeve is voted in.

Tony told members at the last meeting that he was keen to continue the role for a number of years, and wanted assurance that he would not be replaced at the end of the year.

He said: 'I was appointed last year and since then, I feel I have fulfilled my commitments to a high standard and have received positive reports back.

'When I first took on the role I wondered whether it would be my thing, but now I would like to carry on for the long term, possibly ten years or more.

'I've made a lot of commitments to the role — I have got a website being put together and people making me various outfits.

'I've made a commitment to the job, and if you are happy that I am fulfilling my duties I would just like some commitment back from the town so that in a year's time I'm not going to be replaced by another town crier.'

Tony said that if he did wish to give up the role he would give the council a minimum of six months notice to find a replacement.

In the meantime, although he knew the option would still be there every year to replace him, he wanted the reassurance before he committed further, that he would be in the role for the long term.

In response to his request, Cllr Jeremy Gist said: 'First of all we want to thank you for all your endeavours — you are very proactive.

'I can assure you unless there is a dramatic change in circumstances, I don't think there will be a change in your position.

'It is a fantastic job you are doing in promoting the town and we anticipate it being a long and varied career for you.'