THERE was a great turnout for the local coffee mornings held last week to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support.

The coffee mornings were held on Friday September 29 as part of the charity’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning, an annual event to raise funds to support those living with cancer. It helps the charity fund their amazing Macmillan nurses, answer calls on their Support Line, give financial support, and more.

In the Tamar Valley, two coffee mornings that took place were at the Old Chapel, Calstock Arts and the Tamar Valley Centre, and in Tavistock a fundraising morning also took place at Chollacott Nursing Home.

At the Old Chapel, Calstock there was a large selection of cakes on offer that had been baked and donated by members of the village.

The cups of tea were flowing and the impressive selection of cakes were being enjoyed by all, with particular praise given to Lily Russell and her vibrant polenta cake.

Moreover, there was a wonderful ambience in the venue thanks to musical entertainment provided by Andy Lawton on the piano.

The Calstock Arts coffee morning raised an impressive total of £814.70 from the cakes, the raffle and other donation.

In Drakewalls, locals enjoyed a coffee morning in the Tamar Valley Centre organised by the team at the Tamar Valley Area Of Natural Beauty (AONB). Members of the AONB team sat down with residents from Drakewalls and the surrounding area to enjoy a chat over a slice of cake (or two).

Dedicated volunteers Ray and Jean Croft were serving up teas, coffees and slices of cake for all to enjoy. The event was also a chance to celebrate Ray and Jean who were awarded a Valley Champion Award for all their hard work in the community.

For more information about the national coffee morning event visit: