THE annual Christingle Service will be held at All Saints’ Parish Church in Okehampton on Sunday, December 3 at 11am.

The service is for everyone and it is one where the whole community can come together.

Everyone receives a ‘Christingle’ made from an orange, a candle, some fruit and some sweets. These represent Jesus, the light of the world.

The collection at this service, traditionally associated with children, goes to the Church of England Children’s Society to provide refuge for children with difficult lives.

Last Christmas, Christingle services across the country raised more than £2 million to help children who run away from home to start a new life.

After the service there is an opportunity to stay and talk over a cup of tea.

The Christingles will be put together on Saturday, December 2 during the Christmas Fayre at the Church Hall on Market Street from 9.30am to 2.30pm