Callington Town men’s first team have had the next two games cancelled following a positive Covid test from one of their players.

The player displayed symptoms on Sunday and got an immediate test. The result came back positive on Tuesday morning, and the club immediately put its Covid Emergency Plan into effect.

‘As soon as we were informed of the positive test, we advised the league, the FA, and Public Health Cornwall, and identified a small number of team mates who were in close contact with the player.

‘We have advised them to self-isolate for 14 days and, if they experience symptoms, to get a test as soon as possible,’ said club secretary and one of the Covid officers, Andrew Long.

‘The clubhouse and changing rooms have been closed as a preventative measure, and will be deep cleaned before re-opening. No spectator is deemed to be at risk in line with FA and Government guidelines.

‘We are doing our best to keep all players, officials and supporters safe and wish the player a complete and speedy recovery,’ he added.

This does not affect the other four sides whose matches will continue as planned.

Meanwhile the club has opened applications for a new manager for their South West Peninsula League side following the decision of Sam Borthwick to stand down from the post.

The team, which competes in the Premier West of the SWP League are one of five teams based at the Ginsters Marsh ground.

The club has been in existence for 31 years and has grown from just two men’s sides to the current five teams, including two women’s and a veterans’ set-up.

‘Since we started in 1989, the club has enjoyed great success and now has a good stadium and great links with the colts set-up in the town,’ said Andrew Long.

‘We are looking for a new person to take the team and the club forward again as we enter the next decade of football.’

Club chairman Steve Blatchford is currently caretaker charge of the team.

Applicants are invited to email the secretary of the club on [email protected] in the first instance.