WHEN driving across the moor over lunch last Sunday (June 3) from Buckfast to Yelverton my wife and I stopped off at the Forest Inn at Hexworthy.

The landlord was obviously very pleased to see us — he had re-opened for weekends over Easter and only now has re-established seven days a week opening. But how can he get the word out to the many other casual passers by that he is again open for business?

He said he has a record of all his B&B customers from all over the UK and Europe and they can be contacted. But, how can a business like this – and many like it on Dartmoor — that is not on a main road, re-establish its casual and regular bar and restaurant trade as quickly as possible?

It will take months unless the word gets out — and in that time many could 'go to the wall'. How can we all help?

Bernie and Brenda Steed
