THE TAVISTOCK branch of the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign recently returned from its 30th action-packed annual holiday organised for young local sufferers of the disease.
Activities ranged from swimming to treasure trails, scavenger hunts and a midnight walk and taking the ?Big Brother? theme, the lads decided to use a ?diary room? to record their thoughts while cameras filmed them throughout the week.
The final night was a fancy dress party where guests included Zippy, George, Bungle and friends from ?Rainbow?, Cleopatra, Madonna, Ken Dodd, Sherlock Holmes and Harry Potter.
The Lord Mayor Treloar College is a specialist disabled college available for hire to groups during the summer vacation. The muscular dystrophy holiday project aims to provide valuable respite care for families and gives an excellent opportunity for young sufferers to socialise together, enjoying many of the things which most of us take for granted.
The group would like to thank all the local people for their support and help in financing the project over the past three decades.
l Pictured are some of the youngsters enjoying their break