A stunning wall hanging created by churchgoers at Yelverton Catholic Church to mark its 100 anniversary is open to the public.

Teams of first-timers and experienced needleworkers worked for months creating a quilted tapestry to mark the centenary of the Holy Cross Church.

The wall hanging is on display permanently to the congregation, but now has a limited number of special open days for anyone to admire the handy work.

There will be a couple of teams who worked on the hanging available to answer any questions from visitors. Ample parking is provided.

The opening days are Wednesday, 1 November and Sundays — October 29 and November 5, all from 2pm to 4pm. Refreshments will be available in the hall.

The hanging was officially unveiled this summer to acclaim for its artistic merit and for faithfully representing loved landscapes and features of the huge parish.

Parishioners who created the impressive work said the project brought them together and benefited from meeting other Catholic worshippers who they would not normally meet.