The West Devon Neighbourhood Policing Team has been collaborating with their local police licencing team and local licencees to promote two initiatives at venues throughout Tavistock in the last week.

The first — ‘Ask for Angela’ — sees those who feel unsafe, vulnerable or threatened able to discreetly seek help by approaching venue staff and asking them for Angela.

This code-phrase will indicate to staff that they require help with their situation and a trained member of staff will then look to support and assist them. This might be through reuniting them with a friend, seeing them to a taxi, or by calling venue security and/or the police.

The second is Pubs Against Drugs, which sees intolerance of the supply or misuse of drugs on licenced premises; an initiative which strives to ensure staff and customers in venues are safe and enjoy themselves.

The scheme sees officers able to enter a venue at any time during licencing hours accompanied by passive drugs dogs. The dog is trained to detect controlled drugs; the dog and its handler will then check for illegal substances.

Anyone suspected of being in possession of such drugs can then be detained for a search under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 with positive action taken against those found to be in possession.