Review: Vocal Harem, Tavistock

VOCAL Harem are going from strength to strength. In their recent concert in Tavistock Parish Church they performed a wide variety of music under the baton of their very able conductor, Rosemary Turner. From lullabies to rock, from Howard Goodall to Handel, they prove themselves comfortable with many genres of music.

The were joined again by the Sultans of Sing, who performed two stirring numbers before being joined by Vocal Harem for a memorable presentation of Zadok the Priest. All the singers were in good heart and good voice, and the fact that they obviously enjoy what they are doing communicated itself to the audience.

Their special guests were a group they referred to as 'The Mazur Park Dynasty': Mary, Leslie and Kamila. They were a delight to listen to as they performed many pieces on piano, oboe and organ, including some that Leslie had written himself. There were piano duets, piano and oboe, and a delightful organ and oboe piece, with Kamila at the organ.

Though one or two members of the choir were sadly absent due to illness, the quality of the music never dipped, and the enthusiasm of the applause showed the audience's appreciation.

Felicity Luckman