A group of parents, children and school staff from across the Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust-run (DMAT) schools gathered outside Okehampton Town Hall yesterday to protest against the proposed school staffing restructure.
Over 100 people attended the event with placards and urging DMAT leaders to reconsider the proposal which they argue will put children's education at risk. Passersby showed their support for the protest by beeping car horns.
In March, it was revealed that DMAT was considering a staffing restructure in its schools which could see mass redundancies and the number of teaching assistants and higher level teaching assistants employed by the trust reduced by nearly two-thirds.
The proposed restructure could also see a range of other controversial changes including limiting teaching assistants to Reception and Key Stage 1 classes, but would see an increase in primary school leadership capacity and SENDCO (special educational needs and disabilities coordinator) provisions and the introduction of a health and safety lead.