A DEBRILLATOR has been installed at Calstock Arts.

The new defibrillator was installed in time for ‘Restart a Heart Day’ last week that took place on October 16.

The new defibrillator will be the third one in the village with the other two situated at the village hall and Calstock Primary School and is positioned in a cabinet on the wall to the right of the Old Chapel in Sand Lane .

Calstock Arts raised enough money over the summer through various fundraising events including a clothes sale, cream teas, local films events and more to fund the defibrillator. Calstock Arts also received a grant from London Hearts who supplied the defibrillator.

Calstock Arts stated that: ‘Having another defibrillator in the village increases the chance of being able to get to a defib quickly and saving a life’.

The device has been registered on ‘The Circuit’; the national defibrillator network which connects it to the South West Ambulance Service so it can be accessed in an emergency. The defibrillator talks to the user and takes them through the procedure so a novice can use it. Moreover, a video from London Hearts will be published on the Calstock Arts website (www.calstockarts.org) that will guide the user on what to do.

For more information on Restart a Heart Day, see: https://www.resus.org.uk/get-involved/restartaheart-day