The Bere Alston Gardening Club held another successful Plant and Produce show at Bere Alston Bowling Club on Saturday, writes Ann Parsons.

This was the 114th annual show and as always there was a huge display of horticultural talent among the exhibits.

Classes covered flowers, vegetables, fruit, decorative, pot plants, domestic, preserves, photography and handicrafts.

The draw offering prizes connected with gardening proved popular and refreshments were also on offer.

Gardening Club chair Alan Reid, said it had been a wonderful show, with lots of exhibits and lots of people turning up .

“It has been a really good day despite the weather,” he said.

Chair of Bere Ferrers Parish Council, Cllr Peter Crozier, presented the prizes.

He also updated those present on the current situation regarding the upcoming road closures, with an announcement due soon.

And he praised those involved in the village’s Britain in Bloom entry, which had been judged recently.

The cup winners were:

Pringle Cup for most points in vegetables, Margaret Wildman; Arnold Cup for best vegetable exhibit and Hannaford Cup for best shallots, Mike King; Certificate for Best Collection Class 28, Margaret Wildman; J A Sleep Cup for Best Exhibit by a Junior U16, Finn Merrifield; Bostock Cup for most points in fruit, David Pearce; Dr Caverhill Cup for Top Vase, Veronica Barden; George Williams Rose Bowl for most points in pot plants, Rosie Bone; Holloway Cup for most points in flowers, Sharon Wolstenholme; Jane Brown Cup for best flower exhibit, Rosie Bone; George May Cup for best rose exhibit, Kate Jeans; Mrs Snell Cup for most points in decorative and Mrs Friend Rosebowl for best decorative exhibit, Liz McQueen; Broome and Green Cup for most points in handicraft, Katie McCarthy; Rigby and Piper Trophy for best handicraft exhibit, Hilary Parke; Col Varley Cup for most points in domestic, Susan Lambert-Gorwyn; Shanks Cup for Best Domestic Exhibit, Philip Whittington; Edith Voysey Cup for most points in Preserves, Katie McCarthy; Rose Hind Plate for Best Jam, Valerie Hamer; Elizabeth Varley Trophy for most points in photography, Patricia Moss; Sydney Hill Cup for best photography exhibit, Martin Lambert-Gorwyn; Silver Oriental Bowl for best exhibit chosen by guest, Liz McQueen; Banksian Medal for most points in Horticultural Classes, Margaret Wildman.