TALENTED young gardener Ben Thorton has struck platinum with a show garden that he created at the BBC Gardeners’ World Live event in the NEC in Birmingham.

The show is one of the top UK shows where professional gardeners choose to exhibit their creativity.

Ben, 28, who took up gardening to recover from sudden paralysis and associated mental health issues, said: ‘I can’t believe I won platinum. The highest award possible! It’s still not sunk in and I’m so proud of everything I have achieved.

‘After so much hard work and determination it payed off more then I ever imagined! I thank everyone that helped me achieve this and I will thank them all personally.

‘After the judging, the feedback they gave me was amazing and there was not one criticism, just positive comments’.

‘I look forward to what’s coming next and have a feeling that this is the start of something very special’.

Ben also featured on BBC Gardeners’ World last week for his show garden called The Love Yourself Nature Retreat. He previously made contact with Monty Don on a video call during the pandemic, to talk about a shared love of gardening and how it supports their mental health. especially during lockdown.