Tavistock’s Men in Sheds group have risen to a recent challenge issued by Tavistock Community Gardening to the wider community to help provide greater housing for birdlife in the area.

The Community Gardening group’s impetus to increase the number of birdboxes came from the Big Garden Birdwatch, who recently reported that 38 million birds have been lost from UK skies in the last 50 years and stated it was vital that we do everything we can to care for a nurture birdlife.

After winning their second consecutive Gold Award in South West in Bloom and taking inspiration from the judges on the panel, the Community Gardening Group began working with Tavistock Town Council and other community groups to provide housing for birds.

The town’s Men in Sheds group came forward to offer their help. Since then, they have made a signficiant range of dwellings; recently they have crafted three sparrow terraces and eighteen assorted robin and tit boxes.

Tavistock Community Gardening said: ‘Tavistock Men in Sheds agreed to make as many boxes as we need! We are really grateful for their support.’

All boxes created to date have been or are to be placed in ideal locations for birdlife by the works team of the Town Council, following guidance from the University of the Third Age.

This is the latest triumph in a long line from the Men in Sheds who, since restrictions lifted, have been in full creative swing. Their other significant work to date has included repair work for Dartmoor National Park and special projects for Tavistock Football Club and Dickensian Evening in 2021.