IT WAS all waggy tails, wet noses and glossy furry coats on display at Tavistock College dog show and summer fair.

Dog lovers proudly showed off their best friends in several classes including waggiest tail, the dog/owner lookalikes, most handsome, prettiest female and best golden oldie.

The event raised £514 from entry fees, a raffle and pet product and student craft sales and were donated to next year’s Year 11 proms, the Margaret Green Animal Rescue Centre and St Luke’s Hospice. A car wash by students raised £105 for Tavistock Hospital.

Organiser Marianne Hastings said: ‘It was a beautiful day for our dog show, summer show and car wash. I must thank the Year nine and ten students who set everything up early and West Devon mayor Cllr Caroline Mott for guest judging one dog class and main judge Mairead West with steward Millie Brimacombe. The dog show was well supported and the prize raffle very popular.’

The dog prizes were sponsored by Ron’s Pets, while Frosts provided the prize rosettes. Helping run the raffle were Seth Blundy, Jamie Carlton and Jed Yusof.

Seth previously also gave up his spare time during his Easter holidays to collect raffle prizes from businesses and collected proms donations from shoppers.