TWO community stalwarts have been recognised for their volunteering efforts with a Tamar Valley award.

Dedicated volunteers, Jean and Ray Croft residents of St Ann’s Chapel have received a Valley Champion Award after being nominated by two members of the Tamar Valley AONB team.

The Tamar Valley AONB award recognises those who have made a positive contribution to their community.

Charlotte Dancer, information and communication officer for the AONB explained that the couple were nominated due to their unwavering commitment to helping out which they have done so for 20 years.

Charlotte said: “Myself and Valerie Darwall project officer for the AONB nominated them jointly because whenever we have an event or anything else happening in the AONB they are always there ready and willing to lend a hand and support us in whatever way they can whether its volunteering, serving refreshments, marshalling, and Jean’s weekly write-ups for the walking group.

“They can always be relied upon and that’s for the last 20 years. we couldn’t do a lot of what we do without them. They’re just fantastic.

“After being such great supporters we thought it was time we recognised that.”

The pair were presented the award at the Macmillan Coffee Morning held at the Tamar Valley Centre last week.

Jean said: “It’s totally unexpected, we had no idea at all.

“We volunteer because it makes you feel useful and part of the community.”