THE privilege of playing cricket for her county in South Africa has been bestowed upon a teenager from Horrabridge.

Stephine Hutchins, 16, received the good news earlier this month that she has been chosen to go to South Africa with the Under 21 Devon Cricket Team.

But to get there she needs to raise £2,000 — and helping her dream come true is her mother Colette who is busy baking cakes to sell to raise the necessary funds.

Tavistock College student Stephine is busy studying for her GCSEs but she always finds the time to play her favourite sport — cricket.

She said: 'I have played for five years. I am excited — an opportunity like this doesn't always come around.'

The trip will take place in March 2016 and will last for ten days. Stephine and the team will spend four of those days travelling, one day sightseeing and five days playing all day cricket against teams from England and South Africa — all helping to promote the sport for girls and young women.

Colette said: 'It's hard work taking her to all the games and I do a lot of miles as she plays all over the country but I can't complain as it keeps her healthy and she plays to such a high standard of cricket — cricket is her first love and I am so happy for her.'

If anyone would like to sponsor Stephine or find out where the cakes are available call Colette on 01822 854846.