AS PART of Callington’s Coronation celebrations, two commemorative trees were planted with the hope that this could be the first step in bringing a community orchard to the town.

This comes after a member of Callington Rotary, Lesley Dingle, came up with the idea for a community orchard and looked to the town council for their support.

Lesley said: ‘We’ve got an orchard at home and there are quite a few community orchards now around Cornwall. There is one at Newquay and St Ives. The Newquay one is absolutely fantastic. A community orchard in Callington would enable retired people to make some connections. It’s not just all about the trees and the apples.’

Lesley appealed to the town council for support for a community orchard. The council agreed to the planting of two fruit trees at Aysshton Gardens as part of the town’s Coronation weekend.

The trees were planted at a planting ceremony on Saturday (May 6) to serve as a permanent memorial for the Coronation.

Lesley hopes that this might sow the seed for the beginning of a community orchard in the town, but an appropriate plot of land will need to be identified.

‘I’m hoping we can start something and it grows from there’, said Lesley.