Firstly, let me introduce myself! My name is Simba and I am not like most other dogs! Yes, I have a waggy tail, love to sniff and of course I am excellent at fetching things for my paw-rents but there is something a little special about me… I have a very important day job!

Guide dogs, sheep dogs, sniffer dogs and gun dogs are all very admirable professions but I have chosen (well, my mum chose for me!) a career in education and I have to admit I think it is the best job in the world.

I work at Princetown Primary School which is a small primary school on Dartmoor; the perfect location for a school dog – lunchtime moorland walks with the children is such a treat.

I am a 20-month-old yellow Labrador and I started my job when I was just eight weeks old. My first day was quite scary as I was still very small but I was amazed at how kind and caring all my children were and still are! They helped my mum set up my bed and showed me where I was allowed to go. For some reason, the hall is out of bounds. I still don’t understand why but it smells wonderful at lunchtime and makes my tummy rumble.

I have been into school almost every day since and my days are never dull… as you will find out! As well as my day job, I have now been given the opportunity to tell everyone about my adventures at school through my weekly column.

Each week, I will bring you tails of school antics and special moments that have made me paws for thought.